


给菲什伯恩的礼物在收到礼物的会计年度内得到确认。请注意,Fishburne 的财政年度从 6 月 1 日开始,到 5 月 31 日结束。只有在此期间提供的礼物才会计入您家庭对 Fishburne 的捐款。在法律允许的范围内,所有送给菲什伯恩的礼物都可以免税。

Founder’s Day of Giving & Giving Tuesday

Since1879 | Founder’s Day (Professor Fishburne’s 173rd Birthday) | Day of Giving | April 10,2024

Fishburne Military School will host a Since 1879 Day of Giving, an online giving initiative to enhance the Fishburne Experience, on April 10, 2024, to commemorate the 173rd birthday of Professor James Abbott Fishburne. We plan to look back to his 29th birthday in 1879 to honor his legacy and then look forward to supporting the Corps of Cadets, and we hope you’ll join us! Our goal is to raise $18,790.00 and provide our Cadets with the best possible opportunities for a lifetime of brotherhood and leadership in the modern era. Further, we see this as a moment to highlight our heritage and strengthen relationships with our alumni, parents, grandparents, and friends of Fishburne as we march to our 150th anniversary in 2029.  

Make your gift of $18.79, $187.79, or $1,879.00 online for Day of Giving/Giving Tuesday HERE

We will host a Since 1879 Day of Giving, an online giving initiative, on November 28, 2023. Our goal is to have 150 donations and raise over $18,790.00, and we invite our alumni, parents, grandparents, and friends of Fishburne to join our enduring formation as we march to our 150th anniversary in 2029.

Make your gift of $18.79, $187.79, or $1,879.00 online for Day of Giving/Giving Tuesday HERE




Click on Make A Gift to make an online gift.

Give to the Brick Paver Project

The Board of Trustees of the Fishburne-Hudgins Educational Foundation, Inc., and Fishburne Military School invites all Alumni, current and past Faculty, Staff, and Friends of Fishburne to join us in sustaining the Legacy of Fishburne while memorizing those who have made the school what it is today. You’re welcome to purchase an engraved Brick Paver to be placed in the walkways of the Quadrangle.

Purpose – To create a place to honor those past, present, and future who supported the Legacy of Fishburne as Alumni, Trustees, Past and Present Parents/Grandparents, Faculty, Staff, and Friends of Fishburne. Learn more and Give to the Brick Paver Project.



韦恩大道 225 号
弗吉尼亚州韦恩斯伯勒 22980


Gifts of appreciated securities are a great way to transmit assets to Fishburne as charitable contributions. For stocks held in brokerage accounts, your broker can assist you in making a gift of stock via a direct transfer to Fishburne Military School. Giving a gift of publicly traded stock which has increased in value and has been owned for more than one year may provide better tax benefits than giving cash. If you would like to make a gift of appreciated stock, please contact at (540) 946-7700 x119 or alumni@fishburne.org.


许多公司将匹配您的慈善捐款,以增加您的礼物的价值。请与贵公司的人力资源部门核实,看看他们是否与您的礼物相匹配。如果您有任何疑问,请致电 (540) 946-7700 x119 或发送电子邮件至Alumni@Fishburne.org联系校友事务部。


通过访问www.kroger.com/communityrewards注册 Kroger 的社区奖励计划。注册您的 Kroger Plus 卡,Fishburne 将获得一定比例的购买资金。