

Fishburne 将学习技能的教学作为学术课程的一个组成部分。我们发现,如果学生看到这些技能的直接和有用的应用,他们会更容易地学习和应用“学习技巧和策略”。为了实现这一目标,学习技能是在常规课程的背景下教授的。


英语 7-12、荣誉英语 10-12 和双录取作文。


Middle School Math, Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, Advanced Algebra, Pre-Calculus, AP Calculus.


Life Science, Physical Science, Biology (Honors), Chemistry (Honors and AP), Honors Physics, Environmental Science (Honors).

历史 \社会研究

World Geography, World History, History 10 (Honors), VA and US History, Dual Enrollment US History, VA and US Government (Honors).

JROTC 领导力教育

Pre-Leadership Education Training (8th grade), Leadership Education Training I-IV with a focus on Citizenship, Leadership, Social and Communication Skills, Physical Fitness and Wellness, Geography and Civics.

技术 \ STEM 课程

Computer Applications, 3D Modeling, Introduction to Cybersecurity, Tech Skills (Middle School).


Spanish I, II, III. We can proctor language courses online through The Keystone School and Brigham Young University Independent Study.


Art Education offered at The Wayne Theatre

Cadet Success

Offered to middle school and high school students with documented learning differences. This time is offered to students that would benefit from additional one-on-one or small group support.