Fishburne-Hudgins Educational Foundation, Inc.


作为 501(c)(3) 非营利组织,Fishburne 军校由 Fishburne-Hudgins Educational Foundation, Inc. 管理。该董事会成立于 1951 年(原董事会如上图所示)并一直延续至今。 F-HEF 致力于维护和推进 James Fishburne 教授的使命:




Elected 2013 \ Class of '71


Joe Johnson, Jr., class of 1971, was elected Chairman of the Fishburne-Hudgins Educational Foundation in September of 2020. He served on the Fishburne Board of Visitors prior to joining the Board of Trustees in 2013.

他最近从北卡罗来纳州罗利的 Holly Hill 医院退休,担任 IT 专家。约翰逊先生在公共安全和执法工作 22 年后退休,其中包括在北卡罗来纳大学系统的两个校区担任警察和公共安全主任 12 年。在开始他的信息技术职业生涯之前,他在三家大型酒店从事了 10 年的客户服务管理工作。





Elected 2013 \ Class of '71

R. Keith Shackleford,彼岸。

Elected 2007 \ Class of ’88

Mr. R. Keith Shackleford is a member at Warren, Shackleford & Thomas PLLC, a law firm in Wake Forest, North Carolina. After graduating from Fishburne Military School, he attended college and law school at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.  Mr. Shacklefords legal career has been largely in the practice areas of civil litigation, personal injury and criminal law.  He currently focuses on estate planning, probate administration and civil litigation.  He has served as a trustee for Wake Technical and Community College, a director for the Wake Forest Chamber of Commerce,  a member of the unit board for Wake Forest Boys & Girl Club, a board member of the Banks Kerr YMCA and a director of the Wake County Bar Association.

R. Keith Shackleford,彼岸。

Elected 2007 \ Class of ’88

BG William W. Alexander, Jr. (弗吉尼亚州)

Elected 2014 \ Class of '64

Brigadier General William W. Alexander, Jr., is a native of Waynesboro, Virginia and a 1964 graduate of Fishburne Military School. He graduated from East Tennessee State University in 1968 and received his commission through the ROTC Program. He holds a Masters degree in Middle East Studies from the University of Kansas and is a graduate of the Armor Officer Advanced Course, Foreign Area Officers Course, the Army Command and General Staff College and is a 1987 graduate of the United States Army War College. His decorations include the Distinguished Service Medal, Silver Star, Bronze Star with V” Device, Meritorious Service Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster, Joint Service Commendation Medal, and Army Commendation Medal. Additionally, he holds a Parachutists Badge and the Ranger Tab.

BG Alexander 于 1997 年 12 月退休,服役近 30 年,并于 1998 年 6 月成为菲什伯恩军事学校的发展总监。2004 年 2 月,他担任该校校长兼校长。 2006年8月17日,菲什伯恩军校正式入选弗吉尼亚民兵,亚历山大上校晋升为民兵准将。 BG Alexander 曾担任以下组织的董事会成员:美国军事学院和学校协会(2008-2009 年担任主席)、韦恩斯伯勒传统基金会、冷水修复中心和人类栖息地.他是韦恩斯伯勒历史委员会的前任主席。 BG Alexander 于 2008 年 10 月 31 日从菲什伯恩军事学校第 9 任校长退休,目前担任学校理事会的受托人。

BG Alexander 与德国柏林的前 Hannelore Brigitte Keller 女士结婚。

BG William W. Alexander, Jr. (弗吉尼亚州)

Elected 2014 \ Class of '64


Elected 1991 \ Class of '51
“在我生命中的关键时刻,Fishburne 帮助我以‘正确的方式’成熟。在那里,我从一个孩子成长为一个年轻人。菲什伯恩教授我们意识到的课程,然后是我们在生活中才意识到的课程。你可以离开菲什伯恩,但菲什伯恩永远不会离开你。”

爱德华克莱门特,FMS 1951 级学生,是菲什伯恩-哈金斯教育基金会任职时间最长的受托人,多年来他的低调领导对学校产生了巨大影响。

When he was named Alumnus of the Year in 1994, Ed had already done much in life and very much for Fishburne. He was the driving force behind the creation and naming of the Colonel Young Brigade and remains the Voice of the Brigade.” He created the John T. Hardy Legacy Fund and the Young Lieutenants.

He was integral in maintaining Fishburne Military Schools relationship with the Cannon Foundation and his visionary leadership transformed the Development Office into a first-class operation.

His historic preservation efforts in Salisbury, North Carolina, drive his daily work these days. His wife Nancy says youll find him most days in one of the many houses undergoing preservation. Those efforts have created something special in Salisbury and at Fishburne as it continues to upgrade its campus.


Elected 1991 \ Class of '51


Elected 2002

Shirley Crowder and her son, John, operate Bradham Auto Electric in Alexandria, Va., the Crowder family business. She joined the company in 1976 as its Business and Accounting Manager and took over operations with her son when her husband, George, retired in 2010. Prior to joining Bradham Auto, she worked as an intern in the City of Alexandrias Planning and Zoning Department and for the AB&W Bus Company.

当她的儿子乔治·托马斯和约翰·埃米特上高中时,雪莉自愿担任西波托马克高中步枪队的教练,并在弗吉尼亚州贝尔沃堡的橡子少年步枪队担任助理教练。这些角色让她有机会与初级射手一起工作,并前往加拿大、洛杉矶和东海岸的地点。 2003年,她从教练岗位上退休。

Shirleys ties to Fishburne include her husband George, a 1960 graduate of FMS, and her son John, Class of 1991. Both sons attended The Citadel in Charleston, S.C.


她最喜欢的名言之一归功于 Kelley Earnhardt Miller:






Elected 2002



James (Jimmy) W. Gladhill graduated from FMS in 1989 as Platoon Leader 1st Lieutenant Alpha Company. He is currently Vice President of both Cooper Building Services and Knight Solutions, the latter being a Service-Disabled Veteran Owned General Contractor with offices in Frederick, Maryland, and Leesburg, Virginia. Project concentration is primary focused on construction, expansion, and renovations for the National Cemetery and Veteran Hospitals throughout the country.   

在为 Knight Solutions 工作之前,Jimmy 曾在 Hess Construction 担任执行副总裁。在 Hess 的 20 年里,他是一个团队的一员,该团队带领公司从一个小型总承包商发展成为一个多交付组织,每年完成近 3 亿美元,包括大型、复杂、快速通道的教育设施设计建造项目。项目包括公立/私立 K-12 学校和高等教育设施。项目和个人奖项包括 AGC Build-North 和 ABC 区域卓越建筑奖。认证和会员资格包括 Associated Builders and Contractors、Associated General Contractors of America、OSHA 10 和 30、Procore 认证、USACE 承包商施工质量管理和 LEED Green Associate。

Jimmys family has a long history with Fishburne that dates back to the early 1960s. His father Jim graduated in 1961, Uncle Roger Coll in 1973, Cousin Jimmy Coll in 2008, and his Son Dylan Gladhill in 2019. His Mother and Aunt are graduates of Fairfax Hall.   

他和他的妻子 Teri 居住在马里兰州的新市场,是两个儿子 Dylan Gladhill FMS 19 和 Justin Sweeney 的骄傲父母。




Elected 2002 \ Class of ’83

Robert (Rob) Gray 是 IntelliDyne 的创始人兼首席执行官。公司于 1999 年开业后,Rob 一直担任总裁兼首席执行官,直到 2008 年,他担任董事长职务长达十多年。在他担任首席执行官的第一个任期内,IntelliDyne 经历了爆炸式增长,在 2005 年成为北美的德勤高成长 500 强,并在 2006 年和 2007 年成为华盛顿都会区的德勤高成长 50 强。Rob 还是其他几家技术企业的创始人和合伙人。

Rob 在技术领域拥有超过 20 年的多元化领导经验。在创立 IntelliDyne 之前,他曾在电子数据系统 (EDS) 和 BTG, Inc. 担任工程、管理和业务开发职位,为各种联邦机构支持多个大型 IT 计划。

Rob 拥有乔治梅森大学的学士学位,并毕业于 EDS 系统工程开发计划。


Elected 2002 \ Class of ’83


Elected 2020

“FMS 是我做过的最好的投资。格伦在大二时从公立学校转学,进入菲什伯恩时成绩很差,没有动力。没过多久,他就领略了 JROTC 培训的课程结构和纪律。他发现的是学员、教师和行政部门的兄弟情谊,无论情况如何,他们都会受到鼓励。他的自信表现在他的外表上,他光荣地把他的成就穿在他的制服上。格伦在他曾经认为不可能的领域表现出色。”

格伦“作为一名 2008 级的高级学员军官,格伦自豪地佩戴着他的剑。他发现自己在反思自己从经历中学到的东西。他学会了以身作则,做到公平以及何时下放权力。凭借这些知识,格伦了解到,这些特质将领导者塑造成一个其他人不仅会效仿,而且会热情效仿的人。如果我把他留在公立学校,他就不可能被任命为 2012 级的弗吉尼亚军事学院。他的 Fishburne 剑将永远挂在他的墙上,以提醒他从少年到年轻人的转变以及将持续一生的纽带。”




Linda Hershey is the retired President & CEO of the Greater Augusta Regional Chamber of Commerce.  Linda was previously involved in the hospitality industry in Roanoke; including Director of Sales & Marketing positions at Hotel Roanoke and Bernard’s Landing Resort at Smith Mountain Lake.

她目前是 Fishburne-Hudgins 教育基金会的受托人,并担任董事会发展委员会主席。她还在美国弗吉尼亚河源委员会童子军的执行委员会任职。

琳达 1975 年毕业于弗吉尼亚州塞勒姆的罗阿诺克学院,获得城市事务学士学位。她还是弗吉尼亚商会高管协会、国际销售和营销协会以及美国商会组织管理协会的毕业生。

She presently serves on the Executive Board for the Virginia Headwaters Council Boy Scouts of America. Linda recently completed her six year term on Mary Baldwin University’s Advisory Board of Visitors where she served her last two years as Chair.  Board seats, while Chamber President, included the Virginia Chamber of Commerce Executives, Shenandoah Valley Workforce Development Board and the Wilson Workforce & Rehabilitation Foundation. Her committee seats were with Blue Ridge Community College-Workforce Investment and Education, Shenandoah Valley Partnership-Marketing and the Central Shenandoah Planning District Commission-Fields of Gold, the valley’s regional agritourism program.

In recognition for collaborating community partnerships, Linda was honored with the Dennis O. Burnett Community Excellence Award from the Greater Augusta Regional Chamber of Commerce and the Distinguished Citizen of the Year by the Virginia Headwaters Council Boy Scouts of America.  Also, Linda and her husband are past Co-Chairs for the SAW Habitat for Humanity Hope for Homes Gala. Linda was involved in two trade missions to China with officials from the City of Waynesboro, a familiarization trip to Dubai and Abu Dhabi with a select group of Chamber Presidents from around the USA, and Chamber education ventures to Cuba and Peru.

她与 Burk Hershey 结婚,育有一子 Glenn (Trey) Copenhaver,毕业于弗吉尼亚军事学院和菲什伯恩军事学校。她为自己的 FMS 高级班 Heidi Shipman 2008 年明星家长奖感到特别自豪!


Elected 2020


Elected 1997 \ Class of '55

Carl W. Kerby 是韦恩斯伯勒的终身居民,1955 年毕业于菲什伯恩军事学校。毕业后,他在美国陆军服役了两年。他已从他创立并最近出售的 Westhills 公司退休。他还于 1988 年创立了 Westhills Ltd. Realtors。自 1961 年以来,Carl 开发了许多住宅小区、联排别墅、多户住宅小区,并在韦恩斯伯勒建造了商业和办公楼。他是 FHEF 建筑和场地委员会的前任主席,并一直是建造 Hobby Hudgins、Hitt-Millar Field House 和 Alumni House 的承包商的联络人。卡尔是韦恩斯伯勒扶轮社的成员。他还致力于救赎陆军委员会,山谷特派团董事会,以前是Augusta HomeBuilders协会的三次选举总统。卡尔因其对山谷职业技术中心建筑和贸易学校以及奥古斯塔医疗中心的贡献而受到认可。

In 1999, Carl was named Fishburne’s Outstanding Alumnus of the Year.  He also received the honor of having the Fishburne Alumni House named The Carl W. Kerby ’55 Alumni House in 2019. Carl is married to the former Sara “Scottie” Cale.  They have one son, Kendall, who resides and owns a business in Williamsburg.  His leisure activities include boating and antique cars. He is a lifelong member of First Baptist Church



Elected 1997 \ Class of '55

Robert C. Miller, Ed.D

Elected 2014

“虽然我没有以学员身份参加,但我确实在菲什伯恩度过了 28 年,包括我成年生活和职业生涯的成长期。我非常感谢 Fishburne 提供的机会和教训,并将永远如此!”

Robert C. (Bob) Miller 是北卡罗来纳州阿什维尔的本地人。米勒博士毕业于北卡罗来纳大学/阿什维尔分校,并拥有弗吉尼亚大学库里学院的教育学硕士学位和博士学位。

Professionally, Dr. Miller served from 1970-96 at Fishburne Military School as teacher, coach,  athletic director, guidance director, headmaster and, from 1986-96, as superintendent. From 1997 until retirement in 2013 he served as dean at Fork Union Military Academy. Currently, he is administrative coordinator for the Virginia Independent Schools Athletic Association.



Robert C. Miller, Ed.D

Elected 2014

Edward C. 'Ted' Moroney, III

Elected 1992 \ Class of '73

Edward (Ted) C. Moroney, III graduated from FMS in 1973 as Salutatorian and A” Company Commander and cum laude from Norwich University with a BA in Government.

He served as Chairman and CEO of Superior Foundation, Inc. located in Vienna, Virginia, from 1984 to 2017 when he retired. In 1992, he was a founding member and Director of the Mid-Atlantic Chapter of the International Association of Drilled Shaft Contractors and served as the organizations President from 1992 to 2004.

他曾担任马里兰州东海岸最大的住宅社区 Ocean Pines 的 HOA 董事会成员,并作为志愿者担任监督为社区建造的多个新项目的关键成员。

Elected to the Board of Trustees of the Fishburne-Hudgins Educational Foundation in 1992, he served as President of the Board of Trustees from 2003 to 2014 and is currently Chairman Emeritus.他同时担任战略规划委员会和校园总体规划工作组的主席。

他和他的妻子苏住在马里兰州的德伍德。他们有一个儿子,迈克,2006 年菲什伯恩毕业生,还有两个孙女,艾莉森和吉亚。

Edward C. 'Ted' Moroney, III

Elected 1992 \ Class of '73


Elected 2010 \ Class of ’84

Douglas Payne 是一位高级营销主管,在广告和传播领域工作超过 25 年。在他的整个职业生涯中,Doug 曾与各种公司、机构、非营利组织和行业协会合作并为其服务。他的专长包括提高组织知名度、市场份额和推动收入增长。

作为 2008 年至 20012 年华盛顿特区商业圆桌会议的代理机构,Doug 的公司 Payne & Co. 直接与可口可乐、ATT、GE、Newell-Rubbermaid 和 Stihl 等顶级国家品牌合作。他还曾与 Dominion、Virginia Lottery、The Trust Company of Virginia 和 Kings Dominion 等区域品牌合作。多年来,Doug 因其工作获得了顶级行业奖项的认可,包括美国公共关系协会 (PRSA)、里士满广告俱乐部和国际商业传播者协会

Doug 毕业于弗吉尼亚州汉普登-悉尼学院,并获得政府和外交学士学位。后来,他获得了里士满大学的非营利组织营销研究生证书。 Doug 曾在各种公民和历史保护协会的董事会任职,包括弗吉尼亚革命之子协会、华盛顿家庭后裔国家协会和耶路撒冷圣约翰勋章。

自 1994 年以来,Doug 将弗吉尼亚州的里士满作为他的家,他和 Lynn 继续在那里养家糊口,其中包括 Turner、Charlie 和 Kate。


Elected 2010 \ Class of ’84

COL Spencer L. Smith, USA (RET)

Elected 2022/ Class of '85

Spencer Smith graduated from FMS in 1985 as Battalion Commander, graduated from Longwood University and retired from the U.S. Army after serving 28 distinguished years of honorable service in the U.S. Army as a highly decorated Combat Veteran Colonel.  Spencer currently serves as the Director of Government Procurement for the Small Business Administration award-winning Gilchrist Law Firm, P.A. and Gilchrist Global Strategies where he provides strategic vision and leadership.  He is directly responsible for leading all activities within the federal and state contracting environment. The companies currently provide professional legal services, real estate, appraisal, staffing, court reporting and other critical professional support services throughout the country.

Spencer is from Sterling, VA and is married with three children.

COL Spencer L. Smith, USA (RET)

Elected 2022/ Class of '85

COL Shelby T. Stevens, USA (RET)

Elected 2004 \ Class of ‘66

Shelby T. Stevens 上校,美国(退役),1966 届,在北卡罗来纳州派恩赫斯特的菲什伯恩军事学校 9 年级录取。他在 FMS 学习了四年,于 1966 年毕业。谢尔比于 1970 年毕业于美国军事学院,获得工程学学士学位,并在美国陆军担任步兵中尉。他还获得了俄克拉荷马大学的工商管理硕士学位。在 30 年的职业生涯中,他担任过多个职位,包括通过游骑兵、轻步兵和航空单位的营指挥,担任步兵指挥和航空排指挥。他的服务包括越南、FT Bragg、FT Benning、FT Campbell、FT Drum、五角大楼、佐治亚州亚特兰大、夏威夷斯科菲尔德兵营、澳大利亚堪培拉和法国巴黎。

在谢尔比的职业生涯中,他毕业于堪萨斯州莱文沃思 FT 指挥与参谋学院和华盛顿特区的国家战争学院。他在澳大利亚军队的最后 7 年担任陆军武官,并在巴黎担任法国军队的美国高级联络官。从陆军退役后,谢尔比作为陆军系统协调员在美国陆军从事士兵武器和小型武器采购工作了 15 年。他于 2015 年 8 月从该职位上退休。

COL Shelby T. Stevens, USA (RET)

Elected 2004 \ Class of ‘66

David L. Stroehmann, Jr.

Elected 2016 \ Class of '83

After graduating from Fishburne Military School in 1983 David Stroehmann went on to earn his Master’s in Business Administration from East Carolina University and currently calls Emerald Isle NC home. He has nearly 20 years of experience in the Automotive Industry including dealer principal roles in several product lines. He also holds numerous industry awards such as “Best in Class” with GM, a workshop presenter at annual NADA shows and was a Certified GM Trainer. He has received numerous CSI and sales awards, and at one time had the highest CSI scores in his region.

David 现在是 Stroehmann Commercial Trucks & Equipment 的创始人和董事长。位于北卡罗来纳州东部的商用卡车和设备经销商。

David was elected to the Board of Trustees of the Fishburne-Hudgins Educational Foundation in 2016.

David L. Stroehmann, Jr.

Elected 2016 \ Class of '83

Andrew W. Teubner

Elected 2023 \ Class of '89

Andrew Teubner graduated FMS in 1989 as the Battalion Commander.  Andy then went on to Graduate from Stetson University in Deland, FL with a BBA in Marketing where his was a proud member of the Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity.

Andrew currently serves as the President & Chief Operating Officer of Ghost Tequila.  In addition Andrew sits on the Corporate Board of the Eau Claire Distillers in Calgary, Alberta CA.  In this capacity Andrew has day to day responsibility for the overall brand strategy, sales execution, production, HR, and finances of Ghost Tequila.  In just Four years under Andrew’s leadership Ghost has exploded from under 4k cases annually in two states to in excess of 80K cases in all 50 US states plus 35 countries and is one of the top three fastest growing Tequila brands in the US.

Andrew began his career in distilled spirits while still in college working summers at Seagram’s Relay Maryland distillery (the former Calvert Distillery) in bottling.  Upon graduation from Stetson University in Deland, FL Andrew worked briefly with RNDC distributing in Florida before joining Seagram.  With Seagram Andrew moved up the ranks quickly as on & off premise FL Manager then on to Sales Director for the Country of Taiwan, General Manager of Hong Kong.  Moving on from Asia to New York Andrew served as the Director of Off-Premise US Chains in New York building Seagram’s key account and category management strategy.

Upon the sale of The Seagram Spirits & Wine Group to Diageo & Pernod Ricard in 2001 Andrew joined Coors Brewing Company as the Retail Sales Director of the South-Central US.  In this role Coors grew double digits with chain retailers while the brands remained stagnant in the balance of the trade.  In the mid 2000’s Andrew moved on to take an entrepreneurial role with the pro sports merchandising brand Fathead.   Working closely with Camelot Ventures (Cleveland Cavaliers, Quicken Loans) Andrew served as General Manger/Retail building and leading a team that took a direct response product to retail gaining placement in over 18k retail locations while creating and implementing a channel strategy which paired channel specific product offerings with specific retailers.

In 2009 Andrew left Fathead to join The Patron Spirits Company as VP of Control States implementing brand strategies and tactics that led growth vs. open states.  Building on experience with retail and category management Andrew was promoted to VP of National Retail Sales.   In this role Patron brands grew over 300k cases in US chain retail.  Utilizing account focused packaging solutions, unique brand partnerships, and category management principles Patron solidified itself as the #1 Tequila brand in the US in terms of retail dollar sales.  In 2017 Andrew joined Tequila Casa Dragons a 100% agave luxury tequila brand as the Vice President of National US Sales.

Andrew has a passion for entrepreneurship, building strong performance-based cultures, and brand development.  It was with this in mind that Andrew took on the charge to build not only a brand but a company and culture at Ghost Tequila a 100% Agave Super Premium Spicy Tequila brand.  Seeing a clear opportunity in a very crowded space Ghost has been shooting up the brand rankings.  In 2021 Andrew formed a national distribution partnership with Republic National Distributing (RNDC). With a keen eye for talent Andrew has built a strong team of industry professionals with a focus on growth and performance.  Ghost has cemented itself as the go-to Spicy Tequila brand around the US.  In 2020 prior to the pandemic 90% of Ghost sales were in the on-premise channel.  Most of the business disappeared overnight.  At that time under Andrew’s leadership the brand pivoted to an off-premise focus adding in excess of 3000 off-premise points of distribution while not furloughing a single employee.  Execution of this plan led the company to double in size and thus increase headcount and profile with the distribution network.

The distilled spirits industry is a family affair for Andrew as he represents the third of four generations to work in spirits.  His grandfather helped start the Distillery Workers union in Relay, Maryland at Calvert Distillers post prohibition serving as a union foreman.  Andrew’s father Gordon served as Chief Production Officer for Seagram, rebuilding the Seagram Relay plant (now Guinness) along with several other distilleries around the world.  Andrew’s nephew Camden, an FMS Alumni ’20, works as a field rep for Ghost in Tampa, FL.

Andrew resides at his home with his wife Jesse, stepson Mack, and two-year-old son Jett in Jacksonville, FL.  Andrew remains active as an alumni and board member of Fishburne Military School in Waynesboro, VA, as well as a supporter, survivor, and fundraiser for the Leukemia Lymphoma Society.   Andrew was also just named one of the Top 25 C-Level Executives in Jacksonville, FL by C-Suite Magazine.

Andrew W. Teubner

Elected 2023 \ Class of '89


Elected 2019 \ Class of '70

Rick Tiemann 是一位成功的顾问,在国内和国际领域拥有超过 40 年的商业经验,其中包括拥有三家企业。他曾担任过销售和营销总监、销售副总裁、亚洲业务发展经理以及 Koorsen Fire and Security 总裁。他是 1970 年的 Fishburne 班,毕业于南卡罗来纳州斯巴达堡的 Wofford 学院。

Rick 的背景包括业务发展以及并购和转型方面的经验。他于 1991 年创立了The Executive Group ,以帮助组织提高组织效率。这段经历促使 Rick 在 2016 年撰写并出版了他的第一本书,《发展中的世界级领导者:领导力发展终极指南》

Rick 是一位出色的执行和行为教练。他还是一位广受欢迎的演讲者和演讲者,为全国各地的国家组织和协会提供信息和相关计划。

里克是菲什伯恩军事学校的 4 年学员,毕业于 BC 和哈金斯步枪指挥官,并被评为班上杰出学员。他是学术委员会主席,并作为菲什伯恩军校董事会成员担任招生委员会成员。


Elected 2019 \ Class of '70