如果我们负担不起 FMS 学费怎么办?
Fishburne offers variety of scholarships to offset tuition costs. Most likely, your family will qualify for at least one scholarship and/or financial aid.
Fishburne 会让他更容易进入大学或专业贸易学校吗?
Fishburne 的教职员工致力于他的未来。他们将帮助他确定毕业后的计划,并帮助他找到实现目标的最佳途径。
Poor grades won’t automatically disqualify your son from admission to Fishburne. Some students who matriculate to Fishburne have struggled academically at their previous schools. However, once he becomes a Fishburne cadet, he must be committed to academic success. This includes asking for help, attending help class when required, and holding himself accountable to complete his work on time.
学校的在线网络上提供了一本规章手册,供每位学员在进入 FMS 时访问。这本书清楚地阐明了菲什伯恩的规章制度。如前所述,如果本手册与规则手册发生冲突,则以规则手册为准。法规手册也以 PDF 格式提供。
Cadets are issued uniforms from the Cadet Store when they register into FMS. Your cadet will spend the majority of his time in these uniforms. We limit the amount of civilian clothing that a cadet may have with him due to the small amount of storage space. All Cadets should arrive with khaki pants, khaki shorts and a polo shirt.
Fishburne 的寄宿生和走读生都是男生吗?
Fishburne is an all-male school for both day and boarding students.
如果他是 7 天寄宿生,如果是“开放”周末,他可以在周末回家。通常每个月至少有一个周末可以回家。
Emergency leave can be granted any time. A written or emailed request for leave is required; however, the Commandant may, as an exception, approve a telephone request from the Cadet’s guardians. This request should be made to the Commandant’s Office or to the Officer in Charge. Emergency leave may be used only in cases of extreme emergencies such as death, serious injury, or illness to a member of the cadet’s immediate family.
在菲什伯恩军校就读期间,学员不得拥有、使用或分发非法物质或随身物品、酒精、处方药或任何类型的非处方药。所有学员都将接受药物和酒精测试,随机或由 FMS 决定。家长将收到结果通知并计费。学校认为滥用任何合法或非法的非处方药或处方药均违反了学校的药物政策。
Fishburne Military School has adopted the designation of a “TOBACCO FREE SCHOOL”. The possession, use, sale or distribution of tobacco or tobacco like products at Fishburne Military School is prohibited. Parents will be notified of all tobacco rule infractions.
是否需要参加 JROTC?
陆军初级预备役军官训练团(JROTC)是一门学术必修课程,由高级陆军教官指导。 FMS 的所有高中学员都必须每年圆满完成(通过)JROTC,他们在 FMS 就读。 JROTC 是一门每年值得一学分的课程。 FMS 军事和学员生活的各个阶段都包含领导力和品格发展指导。所有文本材料和训练辅助工具均由美国陆军提供。课堂、冒险和演习指导由经过陆军训练和认证的教官进行。
The objective of the JROTC Program is the cultivation of citizenship and the development of leadership capabilities within the individual cadet. The principles taught apply to both civilian and military pursuits. The program of instruction is designed in a building-block format so that each year of instruction builds on those subjects taught the previous year. JROTC does not teach cadets how to be soldiers. Passing JROTC and earning an academic credit for JROTC for each year enrolled at FMS is a graduation requirement.
There are a variety of fun activities to get him off campus almost every weekend, including Airsoft Rifle outings, movies, hikes to the nearby mountains, and other social activities.
He may only bring a car to campus if he is a day student. This will be to drive himself to school and back home every day.
While rare, a cadet can be expelled from Fishburne if he has repeated offenses against the regulation Cadet handbook, or if he has done something that is not tolerated beyond the first offense.
一旦您被正式从 Fishburne 开除,他将无法重新注册。然而,这是一种罕见的情况,他的进攻必须是令人震惊的。同样,我们的使命是提供结构化的教育环境,帮助他在学术生涯和生活中取得成功。
Sometimes the hardest part of applying is the waiting. And waiting. But not a Fishburne. We’ve made our application process fast, friendly and easy — plus we promise to get back to you in just five days. So don’t wait…your future is closer than you think. Submit an admission inquiry form.
— FMS 父级